Your email address is a personal thing and it is most likely that you won’t share it just like that if someone unknown asks for it. The visitors to your website are no exception. They won’t just provide their email because you ask, but they might if you offer them something in trade that is of high value. This is where a lead generator can come in and help your marketing efforts.

Lead magnets or lead generators are resources that are so irresistible that your website visitors can’t help but not be attracted to it. In exchange for the resource, they share their name and email address.

To make your lead generators attractive and enticing, make sure that they are super-specific and quick to understand, promising one quick win to your clients. As a therapist, there are lots of options that you can explore to help you choose the lead generator that suits your clinic and audience best.

Here is a list of our favorite lead magnets that your clients will eat up.


Checklists are one of the most popular lead generators. They are very easy and quick to consume. Everything your audience wants to know is an easy-to-read actionable list. They are popular in attracting leads.

If you are a psychologist, a self-assessing mental health or a mental wellness checklist could be interesting to your audience. These are easy and quick to create since you already know the subject.


Lead Magnet Essential Checklist for Therapy Practices

Check out our example of a checklist.

Resource List

As a clinic owner, your visitors are on your website because they want to know if you can help them with their problem before they schedule an appointment. You can offer a resource list to save them time on research and it will position you as an expert in the field.


A planner is a great lead magnet, especially when you are dealing with people who are looking to solve a problem related to their health. Often before they visit a clinic, they look for preventive measures to find relief. With planners, you can help them with a ready-made routine that helps them pick out the do’s and don’ts to become healthier.

Make a planner consisting of small tasks like a minute of mindful breathing, conscious eating and other small changes that have a greater impact.


Printables are great! You can share positive affirmations, calming techniques, self-help notes and other useful content that your visitors would love to download in exchange for their email address.


Much like checklists, cheat sheets offer guidelines that your visitors can practice over and over again to attain a specific objective. Since cheat sheets eliminate the need to think about the do’s and don’ts, it is an irresistible lead generator that most of your prospective clients will eat up.



Therapy Marketing Solutions Lead Magnet Cheat Sheet for Therapists

Check out our example of a cheatsheet.

Video Series

Video is everywhere right now and people love to watch videos so this might be the great fit for your practice. Creating a video series is relatively easy and it doesn’t need to be professionally done. You can use your phone or computer to record the videos. These should be only a few minutes in length to ensure you keep your audience’s attention. Steps or important things to remember could be great topics. For example, you could do a series on five essential things you need to remember when exercising or five steps to improving your morning routine.

Journal Prompts

Very similar to inspiration files, journal prompts offer inspiration to users by giving them productive ideas to think about. An example of a great journal prompt that clinic owners can put up on their website is “40 Journal Prompts to Help You Find Greater Health”.


Guides are a great way to capture leads, especially when you are looking at people who are in need of therapy for themselves or for their loved ones. You can create a guide that talks about how mental health awareness and therapy help and chalk out the therapy journey for them from start to end.

The guides can also talk about how you can spot health issues and with common symptoms.


“Am I suffering from [symptom]?”- this should be a common question that users look up on the internet unable to understand if this is something they should be concerned with or not.

By letting your users take a quiz on your website regarding different health topics, you can help them identify if they are undergoing a serious issue or not. Additionally, while sharing the report you can ask them to get on a call and discuss the next steps.

Therapy Marketing Solutions Marketing Assessment for Therapists

Check out our quiz as an example.

Newsletter Signup

If you word and place it well, a newsletter signup option can by itself become a lead magnet and generate an email list for you.

You can promise periodic emails to your website visitors that offer them great value in exchange for their email ids. One tip: Include something actionable in every email so that the recipients keep looking forward to the next one.

Meditation audio guides

You can share downloadable audio files that guide users to meditate, stretch, or another activity. When you make this available on your website, visitors will be excited to participate in the guided activity. Nurture them with more such audio guides and warm them up.


Ebooks take longer to consume and are generally not as easy to convert as cheat sheets or checklists. But the good news is that when you create something that offers tremendous value that’s when it converts. The leads who download your ebook are more likely to book an appointment as they are very committed to getting help as they have shown by consuming the lengthy resource.
What should my lead magnet be about?
This is probably the most difficult part of creating a lead generator. It can be challenging to land on just the right topic. The first step would be to brainstorm ideas for 5-10 minutes, then pick one you feel would be the most intriguing to your ideal clients. Another option would be to answer a common question that you are asked on a daily basis. Both paths can help you figure out a topic for your lead generator.

Final words:

When it comes to setting up lead generators, try and test some of the magnets before finalizing one that runs for a while. You may not land on the best one the first time around, but trying out a couple will give you a pretty good idea of what prospects wants to learn more about.