Michael Porter got it right when he said, “Strategy is about setting yourself apart from the competition. It’s not a matter of being better at what you do – it’s a matter of being different at what you do.” Easier said than done, right?

With the increasing need for therapy services in our world today, more and more therapy practices are opening, which means that there is a lot of competition in the industry, making it essential for therapy clinics to differentiate themselves from others. We will break down five ways to set yourself apart from the competition. Of course, these aren’t the only ways to set yourself apart, but they are proven and can help every single practice, which means that they can only help you. Let’s get right into it.

1. Have A Clear Offering

People seeking therapy want to know exactly what they are getting into before committing to a practice. A clear and concise explanation of your services will help potential clients understand how you can help them. This means outlining what type of therapy you specialize in, who you work with, and what the process looks like. One thing about treatment that differs from other fields is that your target audience will only sometimes know exactly what they seek. Even if they realize they have a problem, they may need to learn who or what can be of the most help. Using your unique message, you can tell them what you have to offer them and how it will help them.

2. Talk About Their Problem (And How You Solve It)

As said above, you are the answer to their problem; they just don’t know it yet. Clients want to feel heard and understood. By speaking to their specific issues and how you can help, clients will feel more comfortable and confident in choosing your clinic. Consider crafting messaging that speaks to common issues such as anxiety, depression, or relationship challenges and how your practice can provide the tools and resources needed to overcome these obstacles.

3. Emphasize Your Unique Selling Points

What makes your clinic stand out? You may offer a unique therapeutic approach, have a specific area of expertise, or provide additional services like group therapy or teletherapy. Often, your differentiator can be your story and why you decided to become a therapist. Highlight it to the world and watch how your target audience notices your honesty and transparency. Whatever it may be, make sure to point out these differentiators in your messaging to help potential clients understand why your clinic is the right choice for them right now.

4. Paint a Picture of Life With and Without Your Help

It can be challenging to imagine what life might be like without seeking therapy, and that uncertainty can be daunting. However, therapy can provide valuable tools and resources to help navigate life’s challenges and improve overall well-being. By painting a clear picture of what life looks like if they don’t receive therapy and the potential consequences, clients may be more motivated to seek out your services. At the same time, outlining the benefits of treatment and what clients can expect to achieve by working with your clinic can encourage them to take the leap.

5. Have a VERY Clear Intake Process

How many successful practices have an arduous intake process? 30 forms to fill out, and confusing website instructions? Few. Nobody wants to deal with that. And it’s telling of the type of service you may receive. Once a client decides to work with your practice, make the process as easy as possible. Having a clear intake process will help streamline the client’s experience and ensure they feel taken care of. This includes an easy-to-use online scheduling system, clear communication around the intake process, and a welcoming environment for their first appointment.

We hope these tips got the juices flowing. Running your practice is empowering and impressive, but the growth can be stagnant or sluggish if you don’t stand out from your competitors. Following the five tips outlined above, your therapy practice can craft messaging that resonates with potential clients and sets you apart from the competition. Remember, it’s not just about offering excellent services, but about effectively communicating the value of those services to potential clients. You have a unique message, and so many people are looking for your help, but they just don’t know where to find it. Help them find you by standing out.