Have you ever received an email that was so cringe-worthy, it made you want to throw your computer out the window? We all have. And as a business owner, the last thing you want is for your carefully crafted email to be met with an eye-roll and a click of the delete button. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to create an email sales campaign that won’t make your clients want to trash all your hard work.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Ugh. Not another type of marketing that everyone says is the ‘new best thing’. I don’t have time for all this.” So, before we get into the nitty-gritty, let me tell you 3 reasons why email sales campaigns are so great.

  1. High ROI: Email marketing has one of the highest returns on investment (ROI) among digital marketing channels. According to a study by the Data & Marketing Association, for every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return is $42. Email marketing actually works!
  2. Personalization: Email sales campaigns can be personalized to each recipient based on their interests, behavior, and past interactions with your office. This personalization can help to build stronger relationships with clients and allow you to really address the main issues that your clients are facing.
  3. Automation: Email sales campaigns can be automated, meaning that once they are set up, they can run on their own. So, no more worrying about how much time these campaigns will take. They basically send themselves!

What is an Email Sales Campaign?

Now that I’ve got your attention, let’s dive deeper into what an email sales campaign is and figure out how to create an effective one. Plain and simple, an email sales campaign is a series of promotional emails that are sent to a targeted audience with the goal of driving sales for a product or service. In your case, this goal would be to bring more clients in or reduce churn, etc.

There are various types of sales campaigns that you can leverage, including welcome series, promotional series, and win-back campaigns. Welcome series campaigns are typically used to introduce new clients to a business and provide them with information about the services or products available. These campaigns may include a series of emails that highlight the benefits of the company and what sets it apart from competitors. The goal is to build trust and establish a connection with the client from the outset. This is your opportunity to share your unique message and introduce your clients to the real you.

Promotional campaigns are designed to promote a specific product or service and encourage clients to make a purchase or book an appointment. Promotional campaigns often include a time-limited offer or discount code to create a sense of urgency. This specific campaign could be extra useful to private-pay clinics as the clients are more conscious of the amount that they are spending per session, so discounts mean a lot to them.

Win-back campaigns are aimed at clients who haven’t engaged with the business in some time. These campaigns are designed to re-engage clients and encourage them to book a session. Win-back campaigns may include exclusive offers or incentives to encourage clients to return to the business. I’m sure you all have so many clients that you wish had stuck around. This is your chance to win them back so to speak.

There are many other types of sales campaigns, but these are some of the most basic and most successful types of campaigns. Effective sales campaigns require careful planning and execution. Some strategies for success include identifying your target audience and crafting messaging that speaks directly to them, creating engaging subject lines that encourage clients to open emails, and using A/B testing to improve campaign performance over time. The emails in an email sales campaign typically have a specific goal or call-to-action (CTA), such as encouraging recipients to sign up for a free trial, attend a webinar, or make a purchase. It’s essential that you put yourself in your client’s shoes as you create these emails so that you can avoid sending out that cringe-worthy email we talked about earlier.

The StoryBrand Way

The StoryBrand approach to marketing was developed by Donald Miller, an author, and entrepreneur. He realized that effective marketing is all about telling a compelling story that resonates with clients and positions your brand as the solution to their problems. The StoryBrand framework is based on the idea that every customer is the hero of their own story, and the role of the business is to act as the guide that helps the hero achieve their goals. Which, in all honesty, as a therapy-based business, is exactly what you’re going for. By applying this framework to marketing, you can create messaging that speaks directly to your client’s needs and desires, and position yourself as the solution to their problems. When it comes to creating effective sales email campaigns, the StoryBrand approach can be more successful than other approaches because it focuses on the client’s needs and desires.

What’s the Difference Between a StoryBrand Campaign and a Normal Campaign?

In essence, all sales campaigns have the same goal of attracting and retaining clients. The difference lies in the execution. Whereas most campaigns lack a solid structure, allowing you as a business owner to choose the types of emails you send depending on your preference and comfort level, the StoryBrand Framework is just that. It’s a proven framework for any client. It’s general enough that you can target your ideal client but straightforward enough that you don’t get overwhelmed and confused.

There are 5 different emails in the StoryBrand email campaign: Delivering the lead generation asset email, problem and solution email, testimonial, overcoming the objection, and asking for the sale.

Deliver Lead Generator: This email is sent to clients who have requested access to a lead generation asset, such as an e-book, PDF, or video. The email should thank the client for their interest and provide them with access to the requested asset. This type of email is important because it helps to establish trust and credibility with the client by delivering on your promise. If you need ideas on creating lead generators, check out this article.

The Problem/Solution: This email reminds the client of the problem that your service solves and how it solves it. The focus is on positioning your brand as the solution to the client’s pain points and highlighting the unique benefits and features that set you apart from competitors.

The Testimonial/Story: This email is a powerful tool for establishing social proof and building trust with clients. It tells the story of how your product or service has solved the problem for another client, using testimonials or case studies to highlight the benefits and results achieved. By sharing real-world examples of success, this type of email can help to convince clients of the value of your offering. It can get tricky for therapy-based businesses, but see our article about gathering reviews and testimonials for some ideas.What;s

The Overcome an Objection: This one is designed to address common objections that clients may have when considering your service. You will acknowledge and address potential barriers to sale, such as pricing or perceived complexity. Another objection may be the stigma around seeking therapy or the fear of being judged or misunderstood. Clients may also have concerns about the effectiveness of therapy or whether they will be able to connect with their therapist. Here you will offer solutions or reassurances that help to overcome these objections.

The Paradigm Shift: This email is all about challenging clients’ preconceived notions and encouraging them to think differently about your product or service. This type of email communicates a new way of thinking or a different perspective on the problem that your brand solves, positioning your offering as a fresh and innovative solution. For example, you could communicate that therapy is not just for people with serious mental health issues, but can also be a valuable tool for personal growth and development.

Ask for the Sale: Finally, this email is the culmination of a successful sales campaign. After delivering value and building trust with your client through the previous emails, this email directly asks for the sale, inviting them to take action and make a purchase. This type of email should be clear, and concise, and make it easy for your client to take the next step, whether that be booking an appointment, signing up their child, etc.

From the basic types of email sales campaigns to the game-changing StoryBrand approach, we hope you’ve gained some valuable insights into how to make your emails stand out in a crowded inbox. So which approach is better, you ask? Well, it really depends on your specific business and target audience. The more traditional sales campaign can be effective for promoting a specific product or service, while the StoryBrand approach is great for building a relationship with your audience and guiding them toward a solution to their problems. Ultimately, the best approach is the one that resonates with your clients and helps you achieve your goals. Now that you’re armed with the knowledge and strategies for creating successful email sales campaigns, it’s time to put them into action and start seeing results. Happy emailing!

Although the benefits of email marketing is pretty clear, we understand that it is just one more thing you need to create in your marketing. We can help! Whether you are looking for help with your lead generator or email sales campaign, we can guide you through the process.